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I am Maria Anastasiadou, an Aegean Bronze Age archaeologist and seals specialist currently employed by the Institute of Classical Archaeology, at the University of Vienna in Austria. I have been working on major scientific projects on Aegean glyptic since 2003 and have therefore devoted the totality of my academic life in searching for ways to understand this material. I am fascinated by the beauty and enigmatic character of these objects and would invite anyone feeling the same way to join my journey on this site. This webpage is dedicated to my two teachers, Ingo Pini and Walter Müller, who have entrusted me with their precious  knowledge and experience. Evangelia Tigka corrected my English and translated the Greek version of the page. The drawings of the wise and studious Minoan Genius were made by the artist Nikos Podias. My Vienna colleague Fritz Blakolmer offers constant critical support for my academic undertakings. The director of the Sissi Archaeological Project, Jan Driessen, has kindly granted me the permission to depict parts of the impression and drawing of a recently discovered, still unpublished seal from Sissi for the HOME of this  webpage. 


Copyright: The copyright on this webpage (text and images) belongs to its creator. None of the contents of the webpage, either text or images, may be reproduced anywhere else and in any manner.


Contact: For any questions or comments, you can contact me here.



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